16 April 2010

Dewi Persik: Saya Mempunyai Jiwa Seperti RA. Kartini

Dewi Persik: Saya Mempunyai Jiwa Seperti RA. Kartini
Hari Kartini mempunyai arti khusus bagi perempuan. Demikian pula Dewi Persik. Si goyang gergaji itu merasa ia mempunyai jiwa seperti tokoh yang menjadi simbol emansipasi perempuan itu. Dewi pun mengidamkan peran menjadi RA Kartini.
"Saya sebagai Dewi Persik yang mempunyai jiwa seperti RA. Kartini. Kalau ada yang menantang saya main menjadi tokoh R.A Kartini, saya siap," kata Dewi saat dihubungi detikhot via ponselnya belum lama ini.
Jika ada yang menawarinya memerankan tokoh di film bertemakan R.A Kartini, Dewi anggap itu sebuah tantangan baru. Meskipun ia tidak memungkiri kalau imej 'film esek-esek' sangat melekat pada dirinya.
"Zaman sekarang orang melihat Dewi Persik itu artis kontroversi yang main film esek-esek, bagaimana pun juga saya mau jadi R.A Kartini," jelas mantan istri Saipul Jamil dan Aldi Taher itu.
Dewi menganggap kalau pun dirinya bermain film yang agak vulgar, itu adalah pekerjaannya. Dewi tidak bisa menolak tawaran yang diberikannya.
"Kalau saya pun menerima, memang itu pekerjaan saya sebagai artis yang siap dijadikan tokoh apa aja," jelas Dewi.

Aline dan SUSF Makin Gencar Berantas AIDS

Aline dan SUSF Makin Gencar Berantas AIDS
Jumlah kasus HIV/AIDS yang terus meningkat dan kian memprihatinkan dengan sekitar 300.000 penderita positif di Indonesia. Apalagi lebih dari 250.000 di antaranya tidak menyadari dirinya positif HIV/AIDS, sehingga secara tidak sadar akan terus menyebarkan virus secara cepat kepada orang-orang di sekitarnya termasuk keluarga mereka.
Dampak dari hal ini adalah semakin banyaknya ibu-ibu rumah tangga dan anak balita yang hidup dengan HIV/AIDS. Untuk itu, selaku yayasan yang getol menyuarakan kepedulian terhadap bahaya HIV/AIDS, Syair Untuk Sahabat Foundation (SUSF) makin berusaha untuk lebih menggalakkan kampanye stop AIDS.
Berbagai kegiatan pun telah dilakukan, seperti meluncurkan buku kepedulian terhadap AIDS, membuat lagu kepedulian bersama grup band God Bless, kampanye dan penyuluhan ke berbagai sekolah dan universitas, membuat iklan layanan masyarakat, dan lainnya.
Selanjutnya, SUSF juga akan menggelar konser amal untuk berbagi bertitel In The Name Of Love di Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta pada 18 April 2010 nanti. Konser ini juga akan didukung oleh band papan atas serta beberapa selebritis tanah air, di antaranya Rif, Pas Band, Project Pop, Seurieus, Baron Soulmates, Rebecca, Dzeek, Superpop, Aline Adita, Donna Agnesia, Enno Lerian, Rissa Susmex, Babby Jim Aditya, Rico Ceper, dan lainnya.
Acara ini juga akan diisi dengan lelang memorabilia public figure dan beberapa tokoh, di antaranya kaos timnas sepak bola Bambang Pamungkas yang dipakai saat dirinya mencetak gol ke gawang Myanmar pada Piala AFF 2008, serta memorabilia dari Darius Sinathrya, Dewi Sandra, Rissa Susmex dan lainnya.
"Kami mendukung acara ini sepenuhnya, kita disini non profit. Kalau sekarang pemerintah sibuk mengurus koruptor, biar kita yang sibuk ngurus masalah AIDS ini," ujar Aline Adita, selebritis yang menjadi pendukung setia SUSF saat preskon di Hard Rock Cafe Jakarta (kpl/ato/npy)

Married lingerie tycoon arm in arm with Shane Richie (who's married too)

By Richard Simpson

They are married, but not to each other. So it's a little surprising to see Ultimo boss Michelle Mone and actor Shane Richie walking along arm in arm.
But there is apparently a simple, and innocent, explanation - Richie is 'tactile'.
That's what a spokesman for the EastEnders actor said last night when asked about the pair's cosy stroll in London's Soho.
Michelle Mone and Shane Richie
Keeping close: Michelle Mone and Shane Richie take a stroll in Soho on Wednesday night
Richie, 46, and Mrs Mone, 38, hugged and clasped hands as they left the Hix restaurant and then linked arms as they made their way with friends to a karaoke bar, where they partied until 1am.
Lingerie tycoon Mrs Mone met Richie during the filming of new ITV show 71 Degrees North, a celebrity reality show based on a North Pole expedition.

The participants spent a month trekking 2,000 miles in freezing conditions.
A group from the show, including Mrs Mone, Richie, ex-Blue Peter presenter Konnie Huq, Footballers' Wives actress Suzy Amy and rugby player Gavin Henson dined at Hix on Wednesday evening.
Other halves: Richie and wife Christie
Other halves: Richie and wife Christie, left, and Mr and Mrs Mone, right
Show insiders said yesterday that participants will be seen on the series huddling together to keep warm.
Days before setting out on the expedition, Mrs Mone said the greatest challenge would be spending time away from her husband Michael, who is a director of her bra empire, son Declan, 13, and daughters Rebecca, 17, and Bethany, ten.
Richie, who returns to EastEnders next month as Alfie Moon, married Coleen Nolan in 1990, but they divorced in 1999 due to his infidelity.
They have two sons. He married Christie Goddard, 30, in 2007 and they have two young children.
Lady of lingerie: Michelle Mone launches a range of Ultimo bras 'for real women' in April with Katie Green and Lucy Clarkson
Lady of lingerie: Michelle Mone launches a range of Ultimo bras 'for real women' in April with Katie Green and Lucy Clarkson
When approached by the Mail last night, both Mrs Mone and Richie denied they were anything more than friends.
Mrs Mone declined to comment, with her spokesman saying she took her privacy very seriously.
Richie's spokesman Phil Dale said: 'Shane Richie and Michelle Mone are simply friends. Wednesday night was the first get-together of the celebrities since returning from filming.
'Shane is tactile generally as, of course, is not unusual within the entertainment industry. We are dealing here with artistes and not accountants.'

Krisdayanti Tetap Dambakan Seorang Suami

Krisdayanti Tetap Dambakan Seorang Suami
Pasca mengaku putus dengan pengusaha asal Timur Leste, Raul Lemos, penyanyi Krisdayanti terlihat sudah tidak lagi merasa memiliki beban. Baginya lebih baik melakukan kesalahan untuk kemudian melakukan kebenaran daripada sebaliknya.
"Pasca ini, saya bisa melakukan yang terbaik untuk pekerjaan, anak-anak. Hadapi hadangan dan rintangan. Jadi saya lebih baik melakukan kesalahan ini untuk kebenaran, daripada melakukan kebenaran untuk salah," ujar Krisdayanti saat ditemui di Putri Duyung Cottage Ancol, Jakarta Utara, Kamis (15/4).
Dengan kegagalan rumah tangganya, serta kejadian dengan Raul beberapa waktu lalu, Krisdayanti yang mengenakan pakaian warna janda (pink) tidak merasa berputus asa. Layaknya perempuan kebanyakan, adik kandung Yuni Shara itu mengaku tetap mendambakan kehadiran kasih sayang dari seorang pria. Suatu saat, akan mengakhiri masa menjanda, kelak jika Tuhan memberikan kembali jodoh kepadanya.
"Ya nikah lah. Semuanya di tangan Tuhan, baik jodoh maut semuanya di tangan Tuhan. Semoga dibukakan hati," ungkap Krisdayanti diplomatis, saat ditanya kemungkinan akan membina rumah tangga kembali. (kpl/buj/dar)

Ex-Emmerdale actress Roxanne Pallett shows off her fab 'abs' in a cropped top

Former Emmerdale actress Roxanne Pallett showed she's back to her fit best as she showed off her toned tummy in a cropped running bra while out jogging.
The 27-year-old showed off a trim form as she put in some road miles in a wooded path near her home.
Roxanne Pallett
Road runner: Roxanne Pallett hits the ground running as she shows off her ab fab form while out jogging near her home

Her slimline physique was in marked contrast to the curvier silhouette she was showed off following the break-up of her relationship to fellow soap actor Richard Fleeshman.
At the time a heartbroken Roxanne confessed to gaining a stone - and two dress sizes - after turning to ice cream to help mend her broken heart.

The petite star, who is 5ft 2in, told Closer Magazine: 'Instead of going home to my boyfriend I go home to a tub of Ben & Jerry's ice cream.'
Weakness for ice cream: Roxanne at the TV Quick Awards in September 2008 left, after putting on a stone, and before her weight gain, right, in April

But Roxanne, who pledged to deal with her weight gain sensibly, has clearly lost the extra pounds as she was carrying through a combination of diet and exercise just in time for a new television role.
The young starlet recently landed her first post-Emmerdale role in Casualty  played  the girlfriend of a DJ, who requires treatment for a rare skin condition.

Pallett found fame playing Jo Sugden in Emmerdale between 2005 and 2008.
She finished sixth in last year's Dancing On Ice, where she partnered Daniel Whiston.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1266241/Ex-Emmerdale-actress-Roxanne-Pallett-shows-fab-abs-cropped-top.html#ixzz0lGekyIQ2

Julia Perez Ajak Kompetisi Secara Sehat

Julia Perez Ajak Kompetisi Secara Sehat
Perlu sebuah sikap dewasa dalam berpolitik, tidak sekedar memburu kekuasaan dengan segala cara. Artis Julia Perez yang tengah mencalonkan diri sebagai pemimpin di Pacitan, menyadari bahwa banyak ruang menyampaikan pendapat bagi lawan politiknya, namun tidak selayaknya digunakan sebagai upaya pembunuhan karakter (Character Assassination).
"Di era demokrasi saat ini perbedaan pendapat, opini, aspirasi adalah sesuatu yang wajar, dan semua itu ada wadahnya untuk menyelesaikannya. Tidak dengan melakukan hal negatif seperti pembunuhan karakter. Itu sangat tidak patut apalagi dilakukan oleh orang yang sudah tahu bagaimana berpolitik," ungkap Julia Perez kepada KapanLagi.com, Rabu (14/04).
"Kalau saya sendiri tidak ngerti soal black campaign, karena saya tidak punya ambisi terhadap kekuasaan. Saya hanya ingin mengabdi kepada masyarakat Pacitan karena saya hanya ingin menjadi orang yang lebih bermanfaat lagi bagi masyarakat banyak," sambung Jupe, demikian biasa dipanggil.
Jupe yang mendapatkan dukungan dari multi partai itu, mengajak kepada semua pihak untuk bersaing secara sehat, dengan niatan membangun kota kelahiran Presiden Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono itu. Siapa pun nantinya yang menang, berarti yang dipercaya untuk memimpin pembangunan.
"Seharusnya kita bisa duduk bersama saling bergandengan tangan membangun Pacitan. Kalau saya kemudian yang dipercaya kelak, saya tidak mungkin berjalan sendiri, karena membangun sesuatu apalagi membangun wilayah kabupaten tidak mungkin sendiri, segenap komponen masyarakat harus bisa bersatu," terangnya. (kpl/wwn/dar)

Maria Eva: Saya Akan Bela Korban Lumpur Lapindo

Maria Eva: Saya Akan Bela Korban Lumpur Lapindo
Maria Eva belum menetapkan apakah akan maju di Pilkada Sidoarjo, Jawa Timur. Namun jika terpilih menjadi bupati atau wakil bupati Sidoarjo, Maria Eva berjanji akan memperhatikan korban Lumpur Lapindo.
Menurut Eva, sapaan akrab Maria Eva, Lumpur Lapindo adalah masalah semua masyarakat Indonesia. Namun kepala daerah Sidoarjo tetap harus memperhatikan penderitaan korban lumpur.
"Saya nanti ya harus memperhatikan korban lumpur, itu wajib. Tapi lumpur itu adalah permasalahan yang sangat kompleks, tidak bisa diselesaikan sendiri," kata perempuan kelahiran 21 Februari 1979 itu saat dihubungi detikhot via ponselnya belum lama ini.
Eva sadar kalau pun ia benar-benar maju sebagai calon bupati atau pun wakil bupati, pasti ada yang meragukan. Hanya saja Eva akan membuktikan kalau dirinya tahu secara persis apa yang dibutuhkan masyarakat Sidoarjo.
"Artis kan sah-sah saja kalau dimajukan sebagai calon kepala atau wakil kepala daerah. Saya akan buktikan," tegas Eva.

14 April 2010

Raba Payudara, Kayden Tuntut Steven Seagal US$1 Juta

INILAH.COM, Los Angeles - Aktor Steven Seagal terjerat hukum. Kayden Nguyen, asistennya, menuduh Seagal telah meraba payudara dan melecehkannya secara seksual. Ia menuntut ganti rugi US$1 juta.
Mengutip The Sun, Rabu (14/4), Kayden menyatakan Steven telah memperlakukannya tak senonoh. Steven memperlakukan seperti 'mainan seks'. Wanita berusia 23 yang mantan model itu pun akhirnya menggugat aktor berusia 59 itu sebesar US$1 juta.
Sekadar informasi, Kayden mengaku pertama kali mendapat perlakukan seksual yang memalukan saat ia dan Steven berada di sebuah rumah terpencil, tinggal bersama istri dan dua pembantu.
Steven saat itu menyerang dengan mendorong tangan dan mencoba untuk membelai payudara telanjang. Saat itu, menurut Kayden, Steven mengatakan, "Istri saya tidak keberatan jika Anda dan saya memiliki hubungan seksual."
Akhirnya setelah kejadian kedua kalinya, Kayden memilih melarikan diri, meninggalkan semua benda milikinya, termasuk kunci mobilnya.
Kayden pun mengatakan, barang-barangnya tidak akan dikembalikan kecuali dia menandatangani perjanjian tidak akan melaporkan kejadian yang dialaminya.
Kayden tak gentar. Ia mengajukan Steven ke pengadilan di Los Angeles. Kayden menuduh Steven melakukan pelecehan seksual dan beberapa tuduhan kejahatan lainnya.
Sebaliknya, kuasa hukum Steven mengaku apa yang sudah Kayden laporkan sebagai kebohongan dan kekonyolan. [mor]

Drew Barrymore Apa Adanya Meski Payudara Mengendur

Arief Bayuaji

INILAH.COM, Jakarta - Drew Barrymoore berusaha tampil apa adanya. Usia bertambah, ia sama sekali tidak peduli keriput dan payudaranya kendur.
"Pada kencan pertama, jangan menjadi orang lain. Jangan membuat pasangan Anda tertipu. Itu bakal melelahkan," ungkap Drew Barrymore seperti menyadur dari femalefirst, Rabu (14/4).
Drew memang selalu berusaha apa adanya. Ia tak mau mengubah citranya hanya untuk lelaki. Ia pun tak peduli menjadi tua.
Aktris berusia 34 yang karirnya melesat sejak berusia enam di ET ini mengatakan, "Ini waktu terbaik dalam hidup saya. Saya bahagia. Garis keriput sudah semestinya. Itu harga kecil untuk membayar kebijaksanaan baru di dalam kepala dan hatiku."
Drew menambahkan, "Jika payudara mengendur, saya tidak akan khawatir, karena saya hanya akan berhenti tampil di depan kamera. Aku bisa menjadi orang di balik layar." [mor]

Jessica Simpson goes for grown-up glamour in a stylish minidress on the red carpet

Jessica Simpson is feeling more confident about her over-sized body than ever.
Wonderfully photogenic but no longer able to get into a pair of Daisy Dukes, she has upped her game in the style stakes with a nod to grown-up glamour.
However, as she squeezed her ample curves into a tight-fitting Matthew Williamson bandeau dress for a party in New York, observers could be forgiven for wondering if the outfit wasn't at least a couple of sizes too small.
The 29-year-old posed rather awkwardly on the red carpet of the Good Housekeeping magazine's 125th anniversary party in New York.
Jessica Simpson attending the Good Housekeeping 125th Anniversary in New York City
Jessica Simpson
Curvaceous: Jessica Simpson shows off her figure in a tight-fitting geometric print Matthew Williamson mini dress and platform heels at a party in New York
Simpson and her hairdresser pal Ken Paves joined dozens of celebrities, including Brooke Shields, Hilary Duff, Anika Noni Rose and Kristen Bell at the bash.

The singer's attendance at the party came as the latest episode of her reality TV show The Price Of Beauty was screened in the U.S.
The documentary series saw Simpson travel around the world to see the different cultural perceptions of beauty and what women go through to achieve them.
After receiving criticism over her curvy figure last year, the show helped Simpson come to terms with her natural shape.
Busting out: Simpson's low-cut dress struggled to contain her ample cleavage
She said: 'It would bother any woman, I would think. I had to get to a place where I had to guard myself.
'I'm not going to ever be size 0, and I don't want to weigh 90 pounds. It's a really hard thing for me to talk about because I celebrate women of all sizes. I think that we're all beautiful. I love my curves.

'I finally relaxed and I don't care what people have to say about my weight. I think I look great.'
Referring to the photo which kicked off the controversy, featuring the singer performing in a pair unflattering 'mom jeans', which made her look bigger than she was, Simpson insisted they were a US size 4 (UK size 8).
Jessica Simpson
Comfortable in her own skin: Jessica says she 'doesn't care' what people say about her weight
The former Newlyweds: Nick & Jessica reality TV star spent months sculpting her body to play Daisy Duke for the 2005 big screen version of Dukes Of Hazzard.
She endured two-hour workouts six days a week with personal trainer Michael Alexander, who honed her physique with a combination of running, squats, lunges and weight-resistance exercises.
She also followed a South Beach Diet-style low-carb, high-protein menu which featured grilled chicken, fish and green vegetables.
After filming the part, Simpson said: 'My body is definitely an accomplishment.'
Jessica Simpson Marrakech Morocco The Price Of Beauty
Clean as a whistle: Simpson gets a mud treatment in a hammam in Marrakech in her TV show The Price Of Beauty
Jessica Simpson Marrakech Morocco The Price Of Beauty
Covered up: Simpson attempted to blend in with the locals in a traditional dress
Meanwhile, in last night's episode of The Price Of Beauty, Simpson travelled to Marrakech in Morocco, where she was given a mud treatment in one of the many hammams (traditional steam house) in the ancient city.
Simpson also covered up from head-to-toe as she follows a group of local Muslim women to see what their life is like.
When asked by one women asked: 'If the love of your life says to you that you're showing a little bit too much skin, would you cover up for him?', Simpson replied: '"I don't know that I would marry a man that wasn't comfortable with me showing what God gave me.'
Jessica Simpson Marrakech Morocco The Price Of Beauty
Hold tight: Simpson looks alarmed as she rides a camel

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/tvshowbiz/article-1265677/Jessica-Simpson-shows-curves-glory-tiny-mini-dress.html#ixzz0l5ecBOwB

Glee geek gets glam: Lea Michele looks VERY different at show's premiere party

She plays an annoying, tenacious, opinionated geek who has a penchant for pleated skirts, buttoned-up blouses and knee-high socks.
So it's little wonder actress Lea Michele couldn't wait to shed her prim and proper on-screen persona and slip into something a lot sexier.
Lea, 23, who plays songstress Rachel Berry in the popular comedy series Glee, looked gorgeous and glamorous in a floor-length silk maxi-dress as she arrived at a party for the show in Los Angeles last night.
Schoolgirl to sex bomb: Actress Lea Michele, who plays Glee club member Rachel Berry, is a far cry from her prim and proper on-screen character
Although none of them were on display last night, Lea recently revealed that she has nine tattoos concealed about her person, proving even more she couldn't be less like her on-screen alter ego.
She joined her co-stars at the bash at the Bar Marmont in West Hollywood for the Glee Spring Premiere Party to celebrate the return of the smash-hit show to our screens.

And the cast lived up to the show's name as they partied at the bar inside the exclusive Chateau Marmont Hotel.
Revealing: Lea flaunts her assets in her low-cut dress as she perfects her pout for the cameras
Glee club geek: Lea Michele as Rachel

They and other specially-invited guests were also given a first look at the new episode on a big screen outside the venue.
Lea was joined by co-stars and fellow glee club members Amber Riley, who plays 'diva in training' Mercedes Jones, 24, who constantly battles with Rachel for the lead vocal.
Also there was Dianna Agron, 23, who plays pregnant ex-cheerleader Quinn Fabray, and Cory Monteith, 27, who stars as Finn Hudson, the fictional William McKinley High School's star quarterback, the lead male vocalist in the glee club and initially thought to be the father of Quinn's unborn child.
Matthew Morrisson, 31, who plays Spanish teacher and glee club coach Will Schuester, was also in attendance as well as Jessalyn Gilsig, 38, who plays Will's estranged wife Terri.
The show's cheerleaders - known as the Cheerios - and glee club members Britney and Santana, played by Heather Morris, 23, and Naya Rivera, also 23, respectively, joined them on the red carpet, as well as Jenna Ushkowitz, 23, who plays Tina Cohen-Chang.
For those that haven't witnessed this latest TV phenomenon, Glee is a comedy series about a high school show choir - known as a glee club - and their daily battles as they prepare for sectionals and fight off bullies - mostly the cheerleaders and footballer players - who mock them on a daily basis, usually by throwing a large slushy drink in their faces.
Former sweethearts: Dianna Agron and Cory Monteith who play Quinn Fabray and Finn Hudson

The first series was split in two with 13 episodes having already been shown around the world which not only brought massive critical acclaim but a huge cult following.
The second part of series one airs in the U.S. tonight and starts back on E4 in the UK next Monday night at 9pm.
The first part ended on episode 13 and saw the glee club, who are called New Directions, win a show choir competition.
Mr and Mrs Glee: Matthew Morrisson and Jessalyn Gilsig who play Will and Terri Schuester
The first half of series one was released to buy on DVD in the UK yesterday and both soundtracks to accompany the show are also available to buy.

Fans of the show have been buzzing about the show's return and have been throwing parties in its honour.
Some went one step further and arranged a Glee flashmob event that took place around London yesterday.
Cheerios: Glee's cheerleaders Britney (L) and Santana, played by Heather Morris and Naya Rivera

Choir girls: Amber Riley and Jessica Ushkowitz, who play Mercedes and Tina, arrive at the party
Meanwhile, to celebrate the show's DVD release, Twentieth Century Fox are celebrating the DVD release by launching a search for the best UK glee club!
If you think your club has what it takes, upload its best routine to www.youtube.com/gleedvduk.
A panel of expert judges including cast members from the Wicked stage production including Lee Mead will choose the winner, and the club that wins will be given a once-in-a-lifetime chance to perform in London’s West End.

Britney Spears bravely agrees to release un-airbrushed images of herself next to the digitally-altered versions

Celebrities and the industry around them is often accused of producing images that affect young people's body image.
Which is why it's so refreshing to see one of the world's most famous pop stars allowing all of their imperfections to be highlighted.
Britney Spears has allowed the pre-airbrushed images from a shoot she took part in for fashion firm Candie's to be used ALONGSIDE the digitally-altered ones, so people can see the difference.
Brave move: Britney Spears has allowed airbrushed images from her shoot to be released along with the original raw photos which show all her imperfections
Brave move: Britney Spears has allowed airbrushed images from her shoot to be released along with the original raw photos which show all her imperfections
Brave move: Britney Spears has allowed airbrushed images from her shoot to be released along with the original raw photos which show all her imperfections

The 29-year-old singer made the extraordinary move in order to highlight the pressure exerted on women to look perfect.
In the first shot, she is seen facing the camera with her arms behind her back.
Imperfections that can be clearly seen in the un-airbrushed shot include blemishes on her calf, her larger thighs and, if you look really closely, you can see her feet have dry skin on them.
The airbrushed pictures, however, tell a different story with a slimmed-down waist and flawless, skinny legs.
Meanwhile, in the second picture, she is seen from the back - in the un-airbrushed shot she has areas of cellulite on the back of her thighs, a tattoo on her lower back (sometimes called a 'tramp stamp') is clearly visible and her backside is a little out of shape.
However, in the altered photo all of these imperfections have been wiped out - and she appears to have a pert rear, unrealistically smooth skin, slimmer legs and the tattoo has vanished.
Britney Spears in her Candies advert
Shaping up: The pop star's whole body has been trimmed down with the use of a computer, even down to removing a tattoo on her back
Shaping up: The pop star's whole body has been trimmed down with the use of a computer, even down to removing a tattoo on her back
A source told the Daily Mirror newspaper: 'Britney is proud of her body - imperfections and all.'
Of the experience, the singer told press: 'I had so much fun shooting the Candies for Kohl's campaign. My favorite set-up was against the gigantic wall of pink cotton candy.'
And she added: 'I got to wear the cutest clothes and they are perfect for summer!'

On a tight schedule, Katy? Perry arrives at recording studio in an eye-watering LBD

Recording her new album in New York yesterday, Katy Perry clearly believes there's no excuse to dress down.
Arriving at a studio in Chinatown, New York, the I Kissed A Girl singer looked ready for a night out clubbing in a little black dress and killer heels.
The 25-year-old's dress was so tight in fact, onlookers could clearly see the outline of her strapless bra underneath.
Katy Perry seen out and about in New York CityKaty Perry seen out and about in New York City 
Figure-hugging: Katy Perry arrives at a New York recording studio in a very tight black dress and heels
Perry left fiance Russell Brand back at their hotel to hit the studio to record the follow-up to her 2008 breakout album One Of The Boys.
The upcoming LP will be her third album. She released her debut disc Katy Hudson, a gospel-rock album, in 2001.
Perry recently said she was focusing on recording her album first before she started making wedding plans for her nuptials to Brand later this year.

She said: 'Well, I have to plan my new album, first and then I'm going to get to my wedding - but I'm really excited about that, too.
Katy Perry New york
Focused: Perry is putting her new album ahead of planning her wedding
'Russell is a real match for me - in previous relationships I feel like I've just steamrolled the guy, so it's nice to find someone I can't do that to.'
Perry hit the studio on Tuesday after spending the previous day apartment hunting in the Big Apple with Brand.
Their flat search comes just a few months after they bought a four-bedroom, 1920s house in the Hollywood Hills.
They are also looking for a new home in London after Brand put his £2.5million North London bachelor pad on the market.
Brand proposed to Perry after fewer than four months of dating on New Year's Eve, during a romantic trip to India's Taj Rambagh Palace hotel.
Katy Perry and Russell Brand spotted apartment hunting in the downtown area of New York
Building their future: Perry and fiance Russell Brand looked at some apartments in the East Village area of New York on Monday
They are hoping to return to India later this year to tie the knot, Perry's friend and bridesmaid Rihanna revealed last week.
Rihanna told US radio DJ Ryan Seacrest during an interview on his KIIS FM show: 'She put (organising the hen night) on me last week.
'I have to come up with something cool because she's getting married in India so I'm like "OK, now what do I do to match that?"
'That's at the end of the year so we've got some time to plan that.'
The singer recently revealed that her long-haired fiancé had turned into a bridezilla who was obsessed with weddings.
She said: 'He's a total bridezilla. He's like a freak. He's always buying bride magazines.
'Every time we go out for breakfast, he's like "Can we just stop and get a bride magazine?"'
...Cut! Russell prepares for film role with a new look
Russell Brand is steeling himself for a trip to the barber for the sake of his Hollywood career.
While  he was able to keep his long-tressed look for his role as Aldous Snow in Forgetting Sarah Marshall and Get Him To The Greek, his upcoming part in the remake of 1981 classic Arthur requires drastic action.
Rebranded: Russell now and with shorter locks when an Essex boy aged 16
And the hirsute comic actor now realises that a trim will hopefully open up more film roles for him
Brand said: 'Normally, I play people where the only thing you need to change is my name.
'But for this, I'm going to change my hair a bit,' he told The Sun.
'I saw a mocked-up picture of how it would look and it didn't look good - like Natalie Portman with a beard.'
'If I'm going to pursue a career in films, I can't always play Rasputin.'
'I can play him once maybe, play Che Guevara, various homeless people and then it's going to have to be a haircut.'
And to help MailOnline readers imagine what he may soon look like, we've found a picture of him with nicely shorn locks as a teenager.
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